Prices for shipping

Shipping with FedEx

Free shipping for orders over 800 $. These orders are shipped free of charge to FedEx.

When shipping with FedEx, your order will normally be delivered within 4 - 6 business days from goods issue. More information about this delivery option can be found below. Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose the exact delivery time. If the delivery person cannot contact you, you will have information about the date of your next delivery in your mailbox.

* Orders received on weekends and holidays will be shipped the next business day.

For orders over 800 $:

Type of service Price
FedEx 20 $
Payment by bank transfer or credit card
  0 $
PayPal 10 $


For orders under 800 $ the following conditions apply:

Type of service Price
FedEx   0 $
Payment by bank transfer or credit card
  0 $
PayPal 10 $

Shipping with DHL Express

Free shipping for orders over 2 000 $.

When shipping with DHL Express, your order will normally be delivered within 1 - 2 business days from goods issue. More information about this delivery option can be found below. Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose the exact delivery time. If the delivery person cannot contact you, you will have information about the date of your next delivery in your mailbox.

* Orders received on weekends and holidays will be shipped the next business day.

For orders over 2 000 $:

Type of service Price
DHL Express
40 $
Payment by bank transfer or credit card
  0 $
PayPal 10 $


For orders under 2 000 $ the following conditions apply:

Type of service Price
DHL Express
  0 $
Payment by bank transfer or credit card
  0 $
PayPal 10 $