Which arm to wear the watch on?

Selecting the right wrist to wear your watch can be confusing for some people. Customs vary across the world, and there are various theories and reasons why you should wear your watch on your left or right wrist. Let's explore the history, culture, and modern practice of wearing watches.

History of Wearing Watches

The history of watches dates back to the 16th century when the first mechanical watches were created in Germany. These early watches were large and bulky, often worn on chains around the neck or attached to clothing. At that time, wearing watches on the wrist was uncommon.

Over time, watches evolved to become more compact and comfortable to wear on the wrist. In the 19th century, with the development of railways and the need for time synchronization, wearing watches became more common.

Left Wrist vs. Right Wrist

Tradition of Wearing Watches on the Left Wrist

  1. Right-Handed People: Most people in the world are right-handed, and for most of them, wearing a watch on the left wrist is practical. With the watch on the left wrist, the right hand, which most people use more frequently, remains free for writing, handling tools, or other activities.

  2. Safety: Wearing a watch on the left wrist can be safer, especially for work and sports activities. Watches on the left wrist are less exposed to the risk of damage because the right hand is usually used for more active tasks.

  3. Traditional Practice: Wearing watches on the left wrist has become a traditional custom in many countries. For example, it is common in the USA as well as in European countries.

Wearing Watches on the Right Wrist

  1. Left-Handed People: For left-handed individuals, it might be more comfortable to wear a watch on the right wrist. This way, they have easier access to the watch's buttons, dials, and crown.

  2. Personal Preference: Some people wear watches on the right wrist simply because they feel more comfortable or it feels more natural to them.

Modern Trends and Recommendations

With the modern development of watches and changes in lifestyle, opinions on wearing watches are also changing. Several modern factors that might influence the decision on which wrist to wear watches:

  1. Type of Watch: If you wear a digital watch, you might prefer wearing it on the right wrist so the display is more visible to your dominant eye.

  2. Sports Activities: For those engaged in sports, it might be better to wear watches on the left wrist for better protection against impacts and damage.

  3. Style and Design: Some people simply wear watches on the wrist they like more, regardless of practical reasons.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which wrist to wear a watch on. It's purely a matter of personal preference, which can be influenced by various factors including dominant hand, type of watch, activities, and even fashion trends.

Whether you feel more comfortable wearing a watch on the left or right wrist, there is no "right" way. The important thing is that your watch is comfortable, functional, and suits your lifestyle. So whether you wear it on your left or right wrist, the main thing is that time is guiding you in the right direction.

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